Thursday, March 28, 2013

cave weta

                    cave weta report

The cave wetas are only found in New Zealand. They are  so old that they outlived the dinosaurs which was more than 200 million years ago.

Cave wetas eat fruit,cardboard,plants, and insects,and much much more. Cave wetas ears are not just on the sides they are on there head like ours to. Cave Wetas use their ears to figure out which direction the noise is coming from.   

Wetas are related to grasshoppers crickets and locusts.

Female Cave wetas lay 300 eggs  their lifetime which is up to seven years and hatch around 1 to 2 months. Once the baby weta is 18 months old it will be a adult. Once a boy and a girl are partners they mate with each other. Their life cycle is about two to seven years.

Please don't harm it or take it out of its habitat because it is a  native creature.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Tagxedo

                                              This is my tagxedo. It is about what I like doing

Friday, March 22, 2013

my awesome mum !!!!!!

    my awesome mum !!!!!!

my mum is caring because  for my birthday she got me 2 toy horses 1 with a carriage that came with a person that is sitting down  in a orange bright  top  and she got me a fat horse that looks like a mum is funny  because when kayla and anisa came over my mum throw me in the mum is loveing because well I love her


                    my blood store !!!
aaaaa I yell as my grandad  hits me with a  stone at the the beach.I didn't see the stone my grandad went to throw it in the water and I stood in front of it then bang.My grandad runs over and my dogs followed him are you ok he yells out  to me as he is running over.he finile gets there. he puts my in the car and off we go to the doctors it is closed oh no my grandad said what is it I said the doctors are....closed grate I said what a good way to spend a sunday driving around in a car all day. yay we find doctors that are open so we go inside get booked in we waited for one minute then crystal king I stand up hi the doctor said right this way so I went in the room with the doctor


It is a autumn I sit outside under a tree I see kids making piles of leaves and then jumping in that pile of leaves there are leaves blowing in my
face I get up and go for a walk I look around I can see dogs and cats
running in the leaves boy it looks like a lot of fun I say in my head I
wish I Was a cat or dog just like my cats and dogs they are fun I go
back home time for bed my mum yells ok I say I get into bed this
was the best day ever I hope it is like this tomorrow too.
                                      By Crystal

Thursday, March 21, 2013


                                         this is my paper box that I made in room 17 it took a while but I did can hold        12, 1 meter blocks                                         

Monday, March 11, 2013

                                                            this is my avatar isn't she Crystal

Comic Life

                                                        This is my word person i made it on comic life by Crystal

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Sasha Runs Away

One day my dog Sasha ran away I opened  the gate to let Scruffy out and then she  bulleted out the gate. She ran down the street 100 miles an hour. Then she started to chase a bike. The man
on the bike started to go fast. Probably to get away from Sasha he finally got around the corner Sasha
came zooming past us so I went after her, nan said “what are you doing”” trying to get Sasha” I replied.  It took me awhile but  I finally  got her. I said hahaha to Sasha. Then we went for a